给 to Upland

A Legacy of Generosity

The extraordinary generosity and commitment of our alumni, 父母, 和朋友帮助维持高地乡村走读学校教育的卓越性.

Ways to 给




The Advancement Office, 420 West Street Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348

Gifts of Stock

证券可以直接从你的投资经理转移到学校的托管人, Bryn Mawr Trust. DTC号码是0901,账户号码是190823,进一步贷给Bryn Mawr Trust. 请致电Bryn Mawr信托,电话:610-971-6835,告知他们正在转移的内容和参考高地乡村走读学校. 此外,如有证券转让,请以电邮通知上港证券转让办事处([email protected])

Online 给

We accept gifts through Venmo, Paypal, and most major credit cards. Please make your gift directly here!

Pennsylvania EITC Program

Pennsylvania residents and businesses with a state tax liability of $3,500人或以上可以参加教育改善税收抵免(EITC)计划,并可以获得90%的税收抵免. Please email Emily Swarter ([email protected]) to learn how you can participate in this program.

Make your online gift today!

给 Designations



年度捐赠是一项由发展办公室协调的持续筹款计划. 每年, volunteers contact current Upland families and alumni, grand父母, former 父母, and friends to ask for their support. 领导这条路的是董事会和教职员工,他们的参与传统多年来为高地社区树立了一个很好的榜样. 学校明白每个家庭都有不同的能力水平,并鼓励家长100%参与每个家庭认为适合他们的水平. Annual giving is very important to the School’s operating budget, as tuitions only cover 80% of the cost to educate each child at Upland. We are especially grateful for unrestricted gifts, which allow us to allocate the funds where they are most needed.


Upland也有几个指定的基金,允许你为了纪念某人而捐款. They are each acknowledged in the yearly Report of 给. In addition, we also have a number of designated funds:

  • 约翰·M. & 艾伦B. Cleveland Alumni Scholarship Fund – for children of alumni
  • The Debra Wade Latoff Memorial Fund – for the performing arts
  • The Ernest P. “墨水”罗斯纪念奖学金基金-为Upland对多样性的承诺
  • 琼·M. 斯特劳德纪念基金-为教师提供专业发展机会


The needs are generally divided into two categories: facilities, which includes buildings, site renovation and major equipment or materials; and the unrestricted endowment, 在捐赠基金内的指定,该等资金的使用由董事会酌情决定.


You can make a gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime:

Depending on your goals, circumstances and the gift type you choose, you could increase your income, decrease your estate tazes, 或者对你不能再使用或不想再维护的物品进行减税.

例如,2015年,国会通过了永久延长个人退休账户慈善展期的法案. 这种展期允许70岁半以上的纳税人进行最高100美元的免税慈善捐赠,000 per year directly from their IRA to eligible charities, including independent schools. As you plan your required distributions for this year, please consider making a charitable gift to Upland Country Day School, using the IRA Charitable Rollover.


Ready to take the next step?

在高地, we realize that the school is dear to the hearts of alumni, 父母, grand父母 and friends. Help us secure Upland’s future, today.

“我们的社区需要确保高地继续在一个充满诚信的环境中培养年轻的生命, 创造力, caring and challenge. Fiscal needs are ongoing -- whether it is emerging technology, property maintenance or faculty and curriculum development. For these reasons, 我选择通过有计划的捐赠来支持高地基金会,我鼓励所有珍惜的人
Upland to join me."

– Kathleen M. 安德森,DVM,前理事会成员,两位前受奖人的父母及计划捐献委员会主委




The best way to experience Upland is to see our vibrant campus.


Your journey to Upland Country Day School starts today.

IRA Charitable Rollover Gift

联系您的IRA计划管理员,从您的IRA向高地乡村走读学校捐款. 询问他们是否需要一份特定的表格来申请合格的慈善分配. 如果不是, 获取一封要求从你的个人退休账户中直接进行慈善分配的信件样本, please contact the Development Office at 610-444-8114. 您的IRA资金将直接转移到Upland,以帮助我们继续我们的使命.

To Qualify:

  • You must be age 70½ or older at the time of gift.
  • 转账必须由您的IRA管理员直接从传统的IRA账户转账到高地国家走读学校.
  • Gifts must be outright. 分配给捐赠者建议的基金或终身收入安排,如慈善剩余信托和慈善礼物年金不符合条件.

通过使用您的个人退休帐户资金作为合格的慈善分配, you can total up to $100,000美元,并从你的个人退休账户中计算你当年所需的最低分配额. Additionally, 这些捐款不包括在您的IRS表格1040的联邦所得税总收入中(没有慈善扣除可用), 然而).

Inquiry Form

Thank you for your interest in Upland Country Day School.

填写此表格,以获得更多推荐买球平台学校的信息,并帮助我们了解你. Required information is marked with asterisks (*). 您提供的任何其他信息将用于在录取过程中更好地为您服务.